Our Greenlight Girls now give their own workshops!


For the first time at a g4g event we were approached by greenlight girls, who have attended our events in previous years, got inspired and decided they would like to get involved more... how? Well by giving a workshop themselves of course! 2 groups of girls got together in their spare time, weekends and after school to plan an educational and hands-on science workshop for our g4g day @Brussels 2013. One group focused on bath bombs and what makes them 'explode' in the water. They got creative and included different aroma therapy for muscle relaxation while you bath. Another set of girls decided to tackle the problem of bad skin! They called their workshop 'Skin for Win' and devised masks and creams that aid in helping girls get through breakouts which result from stress and teenage years.

Both workshops were the most popular of the event and we can understand why! They were fun and yet educational. We hope that we double this number next year and offer even more workshops from previous greenlight girls themselves!